SACRAMENTO (June 10, 2015) – The Board of State and Community
Corrections today awarded $17.1 million in grants to help 16 counties
develop strategies to reduce recidivism among mentally ill juvenile and
adult offenders.
The competitive grants were authorized when the 2014-15 State Budget Act
appropriated the Mentally Ill Offender Crime Reduction Grant funds to
support prevention, intervention, supervision, services and strategies
to improve outcomes for offenders with mental health issues.
Successful applicants submitted Requests for Proposals that would
implement collaborative, multidisciplinary approaches to reduce crime
and criminal justice costs for the mentally ill through prevention,
reductions in jail crowding, aftercare services for adult and juvenile
offenders, and alternatives to incarceration for youthful offenders.
The BSCC received 20 proposals totaling $19.2 million for adult MIOCR
projects, and 15 proposals totaling $13.4 million for juveniles. A total
of 24 counties applied, with 11 of those seeking both juvenile and
adult funding. Three counties succeeded in securing dual funding.
Counties proposed to receive juvenile MIOCR funding are: Santa Clara,
Contra Costa, San Joaquin, Nevada, Riverside, Santa Cruz, San Diego,
Orange, Yolo and Solano (partial award).
Counties proposed to receive adult MICOCR funding are: Los Angeles,
Solano, San Luis Obispo, Alameda, Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, San
Francisco, Madera and El Dorado (partial award).
The Board of State and Community Corrections was established by 2012
legislation to serve as an independent body providing leadership and
technical assistance to the adult and juvenile criminal justice systems.
A synopsis of the winning bids by county follows:
Juvenile Proposals
Contra Costa County ($950,000)
The Transitioning Out to Stay Out (TOSO) project will provide Functional
Family Therapy to juvenile offenders and their families following an
existing program of court-mandated therapy to improve transition from
custody to the community. TOSO will be a supplemental layer of service
beyond the suite of court-mandated services provided by the County to
serious, persistent teenage male offenders and to
sexually-exploited/repeat-offending female youth -- groups who are at
high-risk for re-offense.
Nevada County ($750,000)
The Strengths, Opportunities, and Recidivism Reduction (SOARR) project
will provide an intensive wraparound model for treating mental illness,
eliminating barriers to recovery, teaching and reinforcing pro-social
behaviors, and reducing recidivism. Wraparound services will be
provided to the county’s seriously mentally ill youth and their families
and to those youth most at risk of an out-of-home placement, such as
hospitalization, incarceration, or congregate care. Treatment will be
designed to address the therapeutic needs, functional impairments,
educational needs, and community resource deficits that frequently
results in reoffending.
Orange County ($1,060,539)
The Orange County project will provide integrated and individualized
plans for mentally ill youth diagnosed with, but not limited to,
mood-based disorders (depression, anxiety, bi-polar, etc.), trauma
disorders, psychotic disorders, and those with co-occurring substance
use disorders. Services will be provided through case management
planning to ensure youth are referred to appropriate in-custody and
community-based resources such as employment, housing, education,
substance abuse and other supportive services as required. The
continuum of services includes a multi-phase structure encompassing
assessment, recidivism and relapse prevention, intervention,
supervision, prerelease treatment, transition planning, insurance needs,
wraparound services in the community, and sustained aftercare up to age
Riverside County ($948,510)
The Intensive Re-Integration Services (IRIS) project is a collaborative,
three-phase approach to support mentally ill juvenile offenders with
successful community reentry. The first phase uses intensive in-custody
treatment programs targeted toward addressing both significant mental
illness and recidivism through multi-modal, evidence-based practices and
strategies. The second phase focuses on reentry planning for youth,
including appropriate housing, educational services, employment
opportunities, job skills training, life skills development, and
community reintegration skills. The third phase focuses on community
supervision of the youth using either Functional Family Probation or
San Diego County ($950,000)
The Screening, Assessment, and Services for Traumatized (SAST) Mentally
Ill Juvenile Offenders project will provide short-term, cost-effective
evidence-based interventions that are proven effective for traumatized
youth. The SAST project will expand early identification and
intervention for high-risk, high-need youth with mental illness and
broadens the service continuum to reduce recidivism and improve outcomes
by targeting trauma. Youth and their caregivers will receive Trauma
Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Processing Therapy,
both of which reduces PTSD and depression.
San Joaquin County ($949,073)
The Court for Individualized Treatment for Adolescents (CITA) Juvenile
Mental Health Court will provide a specialized treatment model to
address the mental health needs of mentally ill juvenile offenders,
address the root causes of offending, and will provide a range of
supportive services to help youthful offenders and decrease recidivism.
CITA project will include expediting early intervention through the
timely screening and referral of participants, using a dedicated team
approach, intensive supervision of participants, and having the judge at
the center of the treatment and supervision process. Interventions
include Cognitive Behavioral Interventions (CBI) within the Juvenile
Justice Center and in the community, Trauma Focused CBI, Aggression
Replacement Training, and CBI for substance use.
Santa Clara County ($946,250)
The Successful Outcomes and Active Reengagement (SOAR) project will
implement culturally responsive evidence-based intervention throughout
the county juvenile justice system. Components that will significantly
impact mental health outcomes for youth and involvement with the
juvenile justice and dependency systems include training of mental
health providers in El Joven Noble and Cara y Corazon curricula, the
addition of a social worker to the Dually Involved Youth Unit, services
for commercially sexually exploited (CSE) youth and the formation of a
youth advisory council. Project SOAR will allow for more targeted
service to CSE youth, all of whom are challenged with serious emotional
and mental illnesses.
Santa Cruz County ($950,000)
The Familias Unidas En Respecto, Tranquilidad y Esperanza (FUERTE)
project (Families United in Respect, Tranquility, and Hope) will address
the individual and family’s therapeutic needs and criminogenic risks in
order to reduce recidivism, reduce unnecessary use of detention through
community-based alternatives, improve individual functioning, and
increase family capacity/skills. Treatment matching through screening
and assessments, in-home therapy for the youth and family, intensive
case management, and linkages to community-based resources will be the
core services provided. Additional services may include therapeutic
groups addressing aggressive/criminal behaviors and outpatient substance
use/co-occurring disorder treatments.
Yolo County ($950,000)
The Yolo County project will expand the county’s current wraparound
services to juveniles involved with the juvenile justice system and who
have co-occurring mental health andsubstance abuse diagnoses. The
project will coordinate a team using multiple resources, members from
various agencies such as social services, behavioral health providers,
and justice partners, and most importantly, the family. The wraparound
program will coordinate appropriate services to provide adequate
treatment for youth and provide interventions that will improve youth
and their family’s functioning across multiple life domains to provide a
smooth transition for youth back into the community while reducing the
likelihood of recidivism.
Adult Proposals
Alameda County ($948,459)
Operation My Home Town (OMHT) is an intensive pre- and post-release case
management program that is effecting a paradigm shift in reentry
services for adult inmates. Participants in the program will receive
extensive validated assessments, develop Individualized Reentry Plans
with their Clinical Case Managers (CCMs), and engage in pre-release
services (e.g., education, vocational training, cognitive behavioral
interventions, restorative justice circles), and receive post-release
case management. CCMs will assist participants’ transition to the
community and provide referral and support services until reentry goals
are met for up to a year post-release. CCMs will also assist
participants with enrollment for public benefits.
Los Angeles County ($1,834,000)
Nemo Resideo project (meaning no one left behind) will provide a
comprehensive and integrated discharge plan, as well as jail in-reach,
intensive community-based services and housing to tri-morbid offenders
(seriously mentally ill individuals with co-occurring disorders and a
chronic medical condition). The program is an enhanced discharge
planning program that will include jail in-reach by the community-based
organization that will provide the wraparound services, intensive case
management and housing upon release, as well as identification of
service locations, treatment providers, a medical home, and a dedicated
Madera County ($869,547)
The Behavioral Health Court will bring together multi-organizational
collaboration to coordinate court-ordered integrated treatment,
supervision and community resource plans for mentally ill offenders in
order to achieve optimum results of reduced jail recidivism and
criminogenic risks. Necessary resources for participants include access
to housing, access to prescribed psychotropic medication, intensive
supervision and case management services. The project will also include
transitional housing accommodations and securing residential treatment
San Francisco County ($950,000)
The San Francisco project will create a Behavioral Health Court (BHC)
specifically designed to improve outcomes among adults with mental
illness who are accused of misdemeanor offenses. As part of the BHC,
continuum of care services and responses include direct housing services
to support temporary and transitional housing for offenders, subsidized
transportation, employment skills training, and incentives
forparticipation in cognitive behavioral therapy and evidence-based
interventions such as Moral Reconation Therapy and Wellness Recovery
Action Plan. A peer specialist will also be included to support BHC
clients through the process.
San Luis Obispo County ($950,000)
The San Luis Obispo project will implement a collaborative and
multidisciplinary program designed to provide for a Behavioral Health
clinician at pre-trial to screen mentally ill offenders as they are
being sentenced to provide an alternative to incarceration, in-custody
evidence-based treatment services, increased capacity within the
community clinic to provide walk-in medication and screening
appointments for post-release offenders in order to provide an immediate
and seamless reentry of the client into the community from jail.
In-custody treatment services include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for
Psychosis, Criminogenic interventions (Moral Reconation Therapy), and
trauma-focused treatment (Seeking Safety).
Santa Clara County ($950,000)
The In-Custody Reentry Team (ICRT) will support the successful reentry
of inmates with a serious mental illness. The ICRT will employ
incarceration-based, prevention-oriented case management and discharge
planning to program clients, linking them to post-release services and
increasing engagement in the types of treatment and support services
that will improve their quality of life and reduce their chances of
recidivating. The ICRT will work with serious mentally ill offenders
from booking to release, establishing a reentry case plan within days of
a mental health referral and following the client through incarceration
to their release to service linkages.
Santa Cruz County ($949,995)
The Mentally Ill Offender Continuum of Care project will address the
effects of mentally ill offenders in the local criminal justice system
including this population’s typically longer average length of stay in
the County Jail due to their distinctive needs, the impact of untreated
offenders with psychiatric disabilities in the community, and the need
to draw from the evidence-based practice and intensive treatment of the
Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) model. The project will
provide pre-offender interventions as prevention opportunities through
law enforcement liaison personnel, provide post-arrest diversion
programming through in-custody dual diagnosis treatment services,
Probation pre-trial and supervision services, and expand capacity for
the FACT team.
Solano County ($949,998)
The Solano County project will create a county-wide response to the
issues of services, treatment, and recidivism reduction for the
justice-involved mentally ill. The project will divert low level
offenders prior to and shortly after booking, will provide Jail-based
mental health programming for sentenced and certain un-sentenced
offenders based on assessment, and will provide comprehensive reentry
planning and intensive case management aftercare services to the
participants prior to and after release. The County will create
Collaborative Teams to direct the work of the diversion and
reentry/aftercare components of the project and will use the
evidence-based practice Critical Time Intervention to guide the reentry
and aftercare process.